What does IRIS do?
Grow and develop the scientific computing community
- Encourage trust, cooperation and expertise sharing.
- Facilitate technical discussion and collaborative problem solving.
Represent the community
Provide a cohesive picture of STFC’s digital research infrastructure needs
- People
- Hardware
- Software
Engage with the national & international digital research infrastructure community.
Support planning of the future UK digital research infrastructure
- Understand what resources the scientific community needs
- Establish common practice and policies
- Form a “bottom up” roadmap to help shape tomorrows national digital research infrastructure
Invest in hardware & software
In 2018 IRIS received a capital grant from BEIS to enhance, augment & improve federation of the STFC eInfrastructure.
This hardware is commissioned and run by STFC digital infrastructure providers such as SCD, DiRAC, and GridPP on behalf of IRIS.
Allocate and oversee use of hardware
The resource scrutiny and allocation process is a robust and fair cooperative system that investigates the merits of requests and how they can be supported using IRIS funded hardware.
Along with a combined accounting system this allows a realistic picture of needs of science activities to be formed