IRIS Governance Structure

IRIS is a cooperative project built from a community need. As such it is critical that decisions are made in a transparent and inclusive manner that is aligned with the partner community’s priorities and needs.

The table below shows the full set of IRIS bodies that interact to govern the project.

GroupApprox. FrequencyMembershipPurpose
Delivery BoardMonthlyDesignated representative for all IRIS partnersDecision making body of IRIS including representation for all key stakeholders. Receives reports from all IRIS sub projects on a quarterly basis. Holds the authority to make major decisions.
Project AdminWeeklyProject core staffDay to day management of the IRIS project including low impact decision making
Technical Working GroupBi-monthlyTechnical staff for activities receiving IRIS allocations and providersDiscuss, present and share matters of interest to technical staff within the IRIS community.
TWG-OPSBi-monthlyTechnical staff for activities receiving IRIS allocations and providersReview status of IRIS allocations, services and products. Troubleshoot any current issues and encourage collaborative problem solving.
RSAPYearlySpecially selected panelTo scrutiniser requests for allocations and predictions of need from scientific activities. Decide which activities can be supported and set allocations. Provide an overall picture of to allow planning of spend to meet needs.
Resource ReviewQuarterlyRepresentative from ALL activities receiving IRIS allocationsReview actual usage vs allocations to ensure maximum usage of DRI possible
Collaboration MeetingYearlyAll stakeholdersShare status and direction of IRIS overall, discuss items of interest to the community and the future of IRIS.

The principal officers of IRIS are:

  • Jon Hays (Scientific Director)

  • Andrew Sansum (Technical Director)

  • Anjali Bhatt (Project Manager)

  • Deniza Chekrygina (Capacity Manager)

  • Joanne Ogden (Project Secretary)

Further detail can be found in the IRIS Organisational Structures document

A full list of Delivery Board members can be found here